Wild Model Management

About House of Wild

House of Wild is a Calgary Modeling agency focused on developing models and their portfolios so they are able to work happily and safely in this industry. We believe all shapes and sizes are beautiful, and we want to help you develop your portfolio so that you can get the kind of work you want. We offer services for both experienced models as well as newcomers to the industry. Our team of experienced professionals have worked with some of the world's top agencies and photographers, and have helped hundreds of models achieve success in their careers.

House of Wild Team

Our modeling agency is more than just a business. It's a family. The heart of our modeling agency is our team. Our team is made up of individuals who love what they do, and it shows across this industry through modeling, photography, styling, and more. We are passionate about helping models find their dreams and building lifetime connections and experience. We believe in the potential of every model and creative we work with. House of Wild is dedicated to helping every model reach their highest potential through hard work and perseverance in order to bring out their very best selves on and off camera.

on set with the wild team.